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BB-9 Cleaner for HVAC System
No Toxicity Engineered Aircon Coil Cleaner
Enlit BB-9 is a Cleaner for HVAC system. This formulation is designed for HVAC&R evaporator coils and all exterior surfaces. For domestic, commercial & industrial air handling installations, without any strong chemical outgassing reaction.
BB-9 is able to remove dirt, oil, existing bacteria, fungi, and other contaminants on any HVAC system as part of a mechanical plant maintenance program.
For use in outdoor and indoor.
Simply spray on the heat exchange coil and rinse-off using water. Or apply on the HVAC surfaces and wipe off.
Removes dirt, oil and sludge on HVAC system. No-chemical after smell and no toxic substance is use. Ready-to-use formulation

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